Speak Up, We're Listening

Report an Issue or complaint

Why Report an Issue or Complain?

Your feedback is valuable to us. By reporting issues or complaint, you contribute to our ongoing efforts to improve our services and enhance your experience. Whether it’s a technical glitch, a suggestion for improvement, or a complaint, your input helps us better understand your needs and expectations.

What can you report?

Incorrect or Outdated Business Information

See something that's not quite right about a business? Let us know so we can update our records.

Issues with a Shop or Service

Experienced bad customer service, saw dirty conditions, or had an issue with the quality of a product? Let us know.

Concerns about Events or Activities

Have issues to point out during the event, or have suggestions to make things better? Let us know.


Other issues you may have or concerns you wish to raise are welcomed, and we are here to listen and assist you. Your feedback helps us improve our services and address any additional issues effectively.

What you can report?

Incorrect or Outdated Business Information

See something that's not quite right about a business? Let us know so we can update our records.

Issues with a Shop or Service

Experienced bad customer service, saw dirty conditions, or had an issue with the quality of a product? Let us know.

Concerns about Events or Activities

Have issues to point out during the event, or have suggestions to make things better? Let us know.


Other issues you may have or concerns you wish to raise are welcomed, and we are here to listen and assist you. Your feedback helps us improve our services and address any additional issues effectively.

What can you report?

Incorrect or Outdated Business Information

See something that's not quite right about a business? Let us know so we can update our records.

Issues with a Shop or Service

Experienced bad customer service, saw dirty conditions, or had an issue with the quality of a product? Let us know.

Concerns about Events or Activities

Have issues to point out during the event, or have suggestions to make things better? Let us know.


Other issues you may have or concerns you wish to raise are welcomed, and we are here to listen and assist you. Your feedback helps us improve our services and address any additional issues effectively.

Your Voice Matters: Report an Issue or complain Today

At shahpurjat.xyz , we’re committed to providing the best possible experience for our users. Your feedback plays a crucial role in helping us achieve that goal. Don’t hesitate to report any issues or share your feedback via our online form. Together, we can continue to enhance our services and ensure your satisfaction.

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